November 4, 2005
2 Barrel Camel Raft
UPDATE: download this as a SketchUp model here.
This might be the simplest possible oil drum raft. It is based on a barrel binding technique called 'Camel' after the Camel Trophy adventure race- one of the scouters in the district took part in national selections and used this barrel binding to make a raft in record time.
The basic idea is to take the two barrels and tie them to each other using reef knots- 1 rope at the one end of the barrels, and one at the other end. Then, two poles are placed above and beloq the barrels- as you can see in the image the next step is to lash these two poles to each other, clamping the barrels in between them.
This scout is punting using a 3m pole and has decided to go out in shallow water without a life jacket- this raft is pretty stable and well behaved- it will support about 180-200 kilograms- so easily enough for 3 scouts- but remember to use the buddy system and follow all safety procedures, and be careful using this raft in unfamiliar waters. THIS RAFT IS ONLY RECOMMENDED FOR SHALLOW, STILL WATER
here's an improable pioneering project:
These are fun :) I wouldn't mind trying to sneak that one past my troop-did you draw these yourself? they are pretty cool. Do you mind iif I link you and post this to the main page?