April 20, 2007

Pioneering Planning: Construction Sequence Drawings

Good pre-planning can make a pioneering project run very smoothly. Apart from a model, drawings and an equipment list, a construction sequence drawing can be useful. This raft sequence drawing is done in SketchUp, but can be drawn by hand as well (I should point out that one step is missing from this sequence- the measuring and laying out of the raft at the start). The point of this drawing is to plan when work needs to be done, which will help you identify the number of people needed for each task, and also find out which tasks need to wait for other tasks before they can be done. For example, a large gateway might consist of two towers with a bridge between them. Doing a construction sequence drawing will help you see that there are two towers that can be built at the same time by two teams, and that the bridge between can only be built once the two towers are complete (Thanks to Jeroen for the gateway drawing and also the original idea of 'LEGO' construction drawings).


  1. When I started reading this post I thought. That a great idea, I've done something similar a wile ago and it worked great.
    Then I saw you were referring to that design :).
    I must admit though we didn't really use it for planning the project en dividing tasks. We used it more as a step by step guide for our scouts. (But that might also be because we didn't have that many Scouts).

  2. Thanks Jeroen- that's the drawing I was looking for. Unfortunately my Dutch spelling is so bad (Afrikaans influence) I couldn't find the project on the forum.
