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June 19, 2008

...blogging again

Things have been quiet around here since October. I'll be posting regularly on this blog again in the next few weeks. The final term of a Master's degree, followed by a new job have been keeping me busy since October but I'm going to try and post regularly here- starting from tomorrow I'm going to be posting some projects that have been sent to me over the last six months.

But first, a follow up on the post that has been at the top of the blog since October. If you follow rugby union, you may know that South Africa won the World Cup final against England, and this is how we watched the match that night: with a pioneered screen, under the trees at our campsite, during the Jamboree on the Air/Internet


Anonymous said...

I'm eagerly waiting for some new posts!

Oso Tenaz said...

That are good news for pionering lover scouters!