July 24, 2008

Best project for beginner's pioneering?

I received an e-mail this week asking for advice on the best simple project for people who have never done any pioneering before. I suggested an A-frame, because it is a simple, stable structure that is quick to build and can be used for many fun activities.

But I'm interested to hear what other people think. What have YOU used for a first project?


  1. I would think that the tripod would be a good choice too. thats the first structure that i teach my scouts. which they can follow up to learn to build a simple platform. the simple tripod 'tower' also utilities 3 common lashings (tripod, diagonal and continuous sq lashing)

  2. I have taught Cubs, Scouts and Explorers many times and I think I have probably always started with a square lashing, used to make a simple A frame, which can then be extended (by joining several of them) into a "pyramid" of sorts with connecting poles building it into a more complex structure.

    The advantage is you teach one lashing, you show them some basic skills on the A frame, several of them can work at once on the one frame and they can repeat and hone the same technique and yet still make use of it in a wide variety of ways.

    I find that teaching a tripod/shear/sheer lashing actually takes a lot more judgement and skill. It SEEMS easier than a square lashing but it is too easy to misjudge it and requires "sorting out" after completion. There are also a wide variety of methods, some more useful in certain situations than others.

    I think I would agree that an A Frame would be a sensible start.

  3. Hello i think the best way to start the pionnering is with the tripod lashing. we know very well how useful it is. then you continue with the square lashing. I do that with my troop.
    Sorry if my english is not very good i'm from Peru.

  4. I agree. The tripod is one of the easiest, and is often used as a base in many gadgets. Also an easy way to teach square/diagonal lashings, as well as clove hitch.

  5. Stuart Black6/15/2012 4:23 PM

    I would have to say that merely giving a newer some ropes and poles to use and letting their imaginations run a bit. you can give them an objective like - your structure needs to have a platform, then work your way to - your structure needs to have a platform that is 2 meters off the ground. Let them play around with their own skills and guide them along the way. I mean obviously they would not be able to build an Isengard tower by themselves in an hour, so they need some guidance as to what is feasible in their time frame.

  6. Got a different one for you. I like to first introduce the newest Scouts to the Round Lashing. (We use it to put up our dining flies by lashing two 5' Scout Staves together on each side of the fly to make two uprights.) A fun activity for the new Scouts is seeing how long they can make a continuous, horizontal length of round-lashed staves that they can hold up as a group. Photo on this home page Scout Pioneering
