bridges (18) campsite (28) cartoons (15) centenary (3) discussion (5) experimental (51) gadgets (23) gateways (12) lashings (21) models (9) raft (84) resources (27) sculpture (16) software (22) techniques (42) towers (45) trebuchets (5) treehouses (17) tutorial (9)

March 9, 2010

Kontiki - packing up

At 11:00 on Sunday, the rafts come off the water, and are rapidly stripped down for the trip home. Congratulations to 1st Horison who were the overall winners. More Kontiki photographs will follow.

March 7, 2010

Kontiki - sunrise

After spending the night on the water, the raft crews prepare for a naval review at 10:00 this morning

March 6, 2010

Kontiki Campfire

My last post for the night - the opening of the campfire for the supporters campsite.

Another Kontiki blogger

Akela Joy, who runs our cub pack, has some great photos from today over on Akela's Cubs -

Kontiki Spare Time Activity

One of the competitions for the supporters who are not on the raft is the STA or spare time activity. This year there were 5 different activities related to the legend of El Dorado, the theme for this year. One of them was to build a catapult. Here is one of the troops. There were a number of trebuchets, ballistas and catapults on the waterfront.

Kontiki - on the water

The rafts have launched, and are making there way around the dam completing the navigation and mobility challenge.

Kontiki campsites- cloverleaf octopod lashing

Adiero troop's gateway- a cloverleaf octopod. A drawing of the construction process will follow.

Kontiki opening ceremony

Opening ceremony- rafts launch in 30 minutes

March 5, 2010

Kontiki 2010 - raft construction - Friday night

Construction began at 17:00 (about 3 1/2 hours ago). Most rafts are progressing well, with barrels and decking being attached. Just after I took this photo, it started to rain. In the past 25 years, we have only had three years without rain- as the Kontiki rulebook says: "Kontiki will run even if it doesn't rain."

Gauteng Kontiki liveblog (test)

Today is the start of Kontiki 2010. With a bit of luck, I'll be posting some photographs of the rafts and campsites over the course of the weekend (if I can get my phone to work).