April 11, 2014

Chain Reaction Record Changer-overer

(This chain reaction device was published on the 26th of June 1952 in The Scout, in John Sweet's column on page 761)

Patrol Leader R. Graves, of the 15th Prestwich Woodpigeon Patrol. has designed an automatic gramophone record changer- overer (specification and blueprint herewith) and an automatic camp plate-washer-upper (not yet off the secret list).

Here is the specification: "The sand in the container A trickles down the chute B into the receptacle C, which, when there is enough sand in it, pulls down the strings over the pullets I and J and moves board F to the left. This pulls three strings simultaneously. The top strong goes over pulley W and raises the needle-arm of the gramophone X. The middle string goes over the pulley K and pulls up the rocker arm L. The is pivoted at M, and therefore N goes downwards. This pulls down the bicycle chain O, which turns the two cogwheels P and Q in such a fashion as to turn over the arms R and S, which turn over the gramophone record. The bottom string goes round the pulley U and pulls down the rod V, on which the record rests, thus allowing the arms R and S to do their stuff more easily. The jar C is then unlimbered and the sand poured back into A (you can't expect R Graves to think of everything). The needle X and the rod V move back of their own accord into the ready position, and the music goes round and round.

There are perhaps one or two obscurities in this design which will not escape the critical eyes of R. Graves' fellow boffins. For instance, he omits the formula for calculating the precise quantity of sand needed to suit the playing-time of the record. Also the operation of the actual turner-overer (parts P,Q,R and S) might have been more clearly defined. As I see it, the arms R and S move with a sudden jerk or jolt, thereby causing the record to spin upwards into the air, to be deftly fielded by the hands at the ends of the arms (hence the gloves) on its descent. Hmmm... Yes ... nothing to criticise there. Thank you, R. Graves. A noble effort, this, entitling you to three Eesikas at the next International Convention of the Screwball Gadgeteers to be held in the heart of the Jack Blunt country midway through the next century.

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