May 19, 2014

KonTiki 2014 wrapup

KonTiki 2014 is over, and 1st Horison won both the raft competition and the overall competition - congratulations! 9th Benoni (my former group) won the overall supporter's (land) competition. Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting some details about some of the rafts, gadgets and techniques I saw over the weekend. In the mean time, here are the results as an Excel spreadsheet. For groups who attended, this spreadsheet is useful to figure out where you can pick up points next year to improve your position. But leaving the competitions aside, the most exciting thing about KonTiki this year for me, was seeing 4500 Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Rovers and adult leaders camping side by side and really enjoying each other's company- like a World Jamboree on a smaller scale.

Here is a stitched 3d composite, made with Microsoft's Photosynth software, that gives a feel for the size of the campsite and the event. You can click around the edges of the photographs to zoom and pan around. The photos give a good view of the rafts on the water, and also the campsites on land. Jenny Hamman took these photos from a Robinson R44 helicopter (with video to follow later in the week)

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