April 4, 2024

Eastern Cape Kontiki 2024

Rafts launching at Eastern Cape Kontiki 2024. Image credit: Marilize Bouwer

The Eastern Cape South region held their " Heroes & Villians" themed 2024 Kontiki event over 21-24 March just outside East London. Like the KwaZulu-Natal Scout Raft Race, the rafts were built as lightweight racing rafts, rather than 'floating campsites' like the Gauteng and Western Cape events.

Alongside the 12 raft teams, there was a supporters' "fringe" competition and a Cub competition. 1st Knysna Sea Scouts, from the Garden Route region of the neighbouring Western Cape, were the winners - congratulations!

Thanks to Caroline Boshoff and the Eastern Cape influencer team for competition information and photos.

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