December 1, 2005

Tree house Step by Step: day 3

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I'm blogging the progress of a treehouse my troop is building, and today is the third day we are working on it. Today turned out a little slower than I hoped- quite a few people were busy with other things today so couldn't make it, and the placing of the cargo net in the tree on the right has taken longer than I thought.

As you can see, the 2 trees on the left that our platform is in are pretty simple trees: straight up, we have attached ourselves to the lowest branches (7.05m off the ground according to my tape measure). I thought the tree on the right would be simpler because it has lower branches. It turns out that they are just an obstruction to raising and lowering poles into this tree.

To focus on the positive: we have raised the roof for the platform much higher, you can stand underneath it easily over the whole deck area. We have also attached a pulley for the cargo net tree, so we are ready to hoist poles into it.

360 degree pano taken on day 3- hosted at www.ImageShack.usThis weekend one of my scouts is doing his Springbok expedition and most of the scouts who have been helping me are going. So I will not blog on the progress tomorrow, as there won't be any :). Hopefully on Monday we can carry on and with some luck finish, so that Tuseday and Wednesday the scouts can sleep in the tree house (we have done it before, with no casualties unless you count a cell phone). The thumbnail on the left links to a 360 degree panorama from the platform- thanks to Hayleigh Chamberlain for climbing up and taking this.

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