December 22, 2005

Treehouse Step by Step: Day 8- complete

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With the commando bridge tightened and safety rails placed in the cargo net platform, the treehouse is now complete, a big thank you to everyone who worked on this:
Greg, John, Mark, Ryan, Jacques, Luke, Hayley, Jenna, Cheralynne and Michelle. Here are some photos that show our completed treehouse:

[All of the images below are thumbnails- click on them for a much larger (300-400kb) image.]

These two images show the treehouse from the ground, on the left is the view from inside the park, the right hand side is taken from the same point as all of the daily progress shots

These 4 vertical panoramic shots show the treehouse and the platform from various positions:The first image is from below the monkey bridge, the second is from the treehouse looking towards the cargo net platform (thanks Tyrone), the third is from underneath the treehouse looking across to the platform, and the final one is taken ON the monkey bridge, looking down and up the other side to the cargo net platform (thanks to John whose foot is visible in this image)

The image on the left was taken halfway across the monkey bridge, and the one on the right was taken lying onn the cargo net platform- both by John

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