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October 19, 2005


This mast is based on the Skylon Weathercock in John Sweet's Scout Pioneering (Available from Scouts Canada shops and from the Gauteng Scout Shop in South Africa - Scouts Canada will ship overseas if you ask nicely). Instead of quadpods, this one uses tripods. Because of the size of the poles used (4 meter/12 foot) and the resulting weight, we mounted the mast on the ground rather than suspending it on a jury masthead supported by stakes. Total height is about 7m

This was built as part of a pioneering challenge base during this year's JOTI/JOTA camp in Arrowe Park. Thanks goes to the scouts who helped build it- 9th Benoni Callisto, 9th Benoni Greyspear, Springs Central Air Scouts and Benoni Air Scouts.

Any ideas as to what it can be used for? We hung a lantern from it which was visible from the other side of the campsite.

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