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April 22, 2009

Pioneered sculptures on the 49th floor

Dor Posner has reported on some enormous Scouting structure before (like these), and has been busy again, this time to celebrate the 90th year of Scouting in Israel, and the centenary of the founding of the city of Tel Aviv:

40 scouts (ages 16-18) built a model of the land of Israel on the roof of the Azrieli Towers, over 2 days.

the model includes four special things: the Underwater observatory in Eilat, the Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv, the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem and the Golan Heights wind farm.

Over 900 poles had to be raised to the roof of this 193 metre (633 foot) tower before construction could begin. Thanks to Dor for these photos - the Israeli Scout Association also has a photo gallery (and a writeup) here (machine translated from Hebrew).

1 comment:

Akela Joy said...

Mind boggling! .... and only a scout would come up with something as awesome as this!