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April 19, 2013

Kontiki 2013 featured in local newspaper

Benoni is the city which hosts Gauteng KonTiki, and the front page of the local newspaper this week featured KonTiki, along with a full page of writeup and pictures. From the article:
Scouting groups from across Gauteng assembled at Arrowe Park, in Alphen Park, for a spectacle of raft-building, Scouting and Cub challenges, from April 12 to 14. The five to six man raft crews from over 50 Scouting clubs set sail on Homestead Dam for 24 hours, competing in various mobility challenges. Benoni entered two scouting groups in the raft building and sailing competition. Benoni Ninth Scout group achieved 13th place out of 52 rafts in the raft pioneering and mobility challenge. The achievement qualifies the group for the Chairmans Challenge, where the top 15 placed raft crews in the Kon Tiki, will once again compete and build rafts to navigate the waters.Benoni Sixth Scout group were placed in 32nd position at the Kon Tiki. The event will be held at Homestead Dam next year, with the theme Going Green.

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