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August 2, 2013

Chain Reaction 'Scouter Waker Upper'

I found this drawing on a scrap of paper in amongst some notes from the founding Scouter of my old Scout Group, and I suspect this is from John Sweet's column in the Scouting magazine.

"We are indebted to Mr. Jan van der Steen of the Netherlands for this excellent drawing of his all-purpose Scouter-Waker-Upper, without which no well appointed Scout camp should be. 

It works like this:
At the hour set by the Scouter the alarm clock (A) gets working - silently because the bell has been removed. The extended arm of the key on the back of the clock sets the signalling key (B) to work, so that, through the hidden wire, bell (C) wakes dog (D). Dog see sausage (E), gets hungry and starts eating sausage. The movement of his jaws sets the waterpump (F) working and water falls in basin (G). The cat (H) wakes up because its tail is in the basin and gets angry when the tail gets wet. The cat immediately wreaks its fury on the mouse (I) who seeks refuge on the wheel (J). The turning of the wheel tightens ropes (K) so that first of all the match (L) is struck by matchbox (M), lighting the fire (N) to warm water in the kettle (O). The dog (D) happy with the sausage (E) fans the fire (N) by wagging his tail (W). The second rope (K) hoists the flag (V) and pulls the plug (P) out of the air mattress. The same ropes (K) pulls the Scouter (Q) out of his sleeping bag (Z), which is held in position by the peg (R). In the meantime the water level in basin (G) has lifted the ping-pong ball (S) to that by means of the line (T) the teabag (U) drops into the water in the kettle (O) which is just on the boil.

Any questions?"

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