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July 25, 2014

9m (30 foot) abseiling tower on the Tropic of Capricorn

Photos courtesy 1st Polokwane Scout Group

1st Polokwane are a Scout troop in Polokwane, a South African city right on the Tropic of Capricorn. This 9m abseiling tower is a Springbok Scout construction project led by Courtney, one of their senior Scouts. These photographs show the construction process during the recent South African school holidays.

Photos courtesy 1st Polokwane Scout Group

Safety standards in your Scout association may not allow this type of construction ( for example, the American BSA Guide to Safe Scouting limits pioneering project platform height to 6 feet). Note that in all the photographs above, Scouts working at height use harnesses and a fall protection plan)

1st Polokwane have been competing in Gauteng KonTiki for the last few years, and also have a few Scouters who are also radio amateurs, so they take part in JOTA/JOTI every year. Listen out for their callsign ZR6PS

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