bridges (18) campsite (28) cartoons (15) centenary (3) discussion (5) experimental (51) gadgets (23) gateways (12) lashings (21) models (9) raft (84) resources (27) sculpture (16) software (22) techniques (42) towers (45) trebuchets (5) treehouses (17) tutorial (9)

October 24, 2008

JOTI pioneering- the router lashing

I've featured a few JOTA towers, but no JOTI pioneering.. until now. :)

We were relying on a wireless internet connection this weekend, so the modem needed to be placed high up for good signal. So here is the modem, securely lashed to the wan router, both suspended from a window in our Scout hall.

JOTA Tower from the Netherlands - 2008 edition

Loy shared a great explanation of how his group built their radio tower last year.For JOTA this year, they have built another radio tower, and pictures of the tower, as well as the rest of their weekend, are available here. Thanks for sharing, Loy.

October 17, 2008

JOTI/JOTA this weekend

This weekend, Scouts and Guides from around the world will be gathering around the world for the annual Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet. Around 570,000 Scouts and Guides took part last year, in 121 different countries. JOTA/JOTI is an opportunity to talk to other Scouts and Guides all over the world, using radios and internet chat.

Anyone with an Internet connection can participate in the Jamboree on the Internet. Details on how to get involved in internet chat, blogging and other activities is here.

To take part in JOTA, you will need some help from a licensed radio amateur ('ham'). Details about JOTA- including the frequencies used- are here. Most groups build pioneered towers for radio masts, and Loy's 13m tower was featured here last year.

For those taking part, enjoy the weekend, and feel free to share any news in the comments to this post (especially if you build a nice tower, of course).

October 10, 2008

Three years of Ropes and Poles

Next Monday, it will be three years since I published the first post on this blog- a small Scout trebuchet. Here are some highlights from the last three years:

Massive Israeli pioneering projects

It's been great to hear from Scouts around the world. I've learnt that Israeli Scouts can build anything - flaming, written-word sculptures, giant hedgehogs, even walking pioneering projects.

8m (24 foot) Treehouse

In December 2005 my troop built a treehouse in our local campsite, and I documented the whole project step-by-step here.

Tensegrity Tower

Tensegrity systems work by suspending rigid elements in a network of tension cables, and at first glance look like they should collapse, yet somehow they stand. Along with a fellow student at university, I designed and built this tensegrity tower, which has shown up in a few places on the web, most notably on the MAKE: magazine blog. I believe these were the first Scout tensegrity structures.

SketchUp resources

Along with a collection of models made for this site, I have written a series of lessons on using SketchUp, Google's free 3d modelling software.

Thanks to everyone who's contributed, written to me or offered encouragement.

October 3, 2008


8th Pretoria Saint Alban's built this Swingboat earlier this year at Gauteng Kontiki. Total construction time was around 4 hours, with a troop of approximately 20 (relatively young) scouts. The swing seat plank is suspended using a scaffold hitch. A complete list of equipment for a smaller version of this swing is available at the SA Scouting website (PDF).