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July 26, 2009

Cloverleaf Hourglass Tower

Hawk from Australia sent some photos of an hourglass tower with 4 legs, that was built as part of a Ropes and Spars training course, run by West Australian Scout Pioneering, a team formed to help train Scout leaders in pioneering skills. The tower uses the cloverleaf lashing developed by Ploeg Technieken Rover Crew in Belgium.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the photos, I've not tried or seen the 4 legged hour glass tower, looks like a little more stayable them the 3 legged version, also a fun addition to my pioneering & engineering building kit for scouts. see
Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I love the Hourglass Tower, looks well, we did one before but pitched a lightweight tent on top of it, looked very different... give it a shot.
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