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August 3, 2012

The Bristol Tackle

From page 168 of the 1953 Scout annual, a tackle for anchoring and tightening an aerial runway rope. This appears in the same column as the other rough and ready tackle published here.

John Sweet says:
"An old friend of ours- 'Skip' of the 186th Bristol - has sent us a description of rough-and ready tackle on which he invites your comments.
Let us suppose that you have secured the lower end of a runway to a tree by measn of a round turn and two half-hitches. You have strained the hawser as tightly as possible before tying off, but it still isn't tight enough. The Bristol tackle consists merely of dogging the free end back round the tree, lopping it round the standing part, hauling in, then back round the tree in the opposite direction, round the standing part again, satraining the hawser this way and that until it is singing tight.
Hmmm... ye-es... well..."

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